This one is about Patti.
She was in the Grannie chat room and was telling some of the others that her webtv was acting up in group.
She said everytime she licked on the blue nothing happened. She couldn't read the posts that day. is a little advice.
If you try clicking on the blue instead of licking on it you just may have some better luck in being able to read them. hahaha
We had a thread concerning my trip to the Grand Canyon.
While I was reading the responses I came across Robbies and laughed till my sides hurt.
Robbie answered and I quote " I wish my husband would put his dirty clothes in the basket. I don't think I will live long enough to see the day that he washes a load of clothes".
I responded and said that she had completly lost me and I wondered if I had gone over the edge.
Robbie reposted and said she had meant to answer to another thread and didnt know how she came to put it there in the Grand Canyon thread.
Tera picks up on it and says "You had me for a minute there. I thought you were going to wash your husbands clothes in the Grand Canyon".
This one is on Bonnie.
Mo was thinking of leaving the group and Barbara decided to post to her and talk her out of it and cheer her up at the same time.
Barbara's post went something like this. "Sweetheart wants Rusty's mommie to stay."
Barbara has a dog named Sweetheart and Mo has a dog named Rusty. This was two dogs talking to each other.
Bonnie sees the post and as she uses Rustyblade for a nick, thinks it is to her.
Bonnie then responds "I have mutt power and I am not going anywhere. I don't even know how that rumer got started".
Much to Bonnies embarrasment her phone rings and it is Mo and she is laughing hysterically. She then informs Bonnie that the post wasn't meant for her at all but was two dogs chatting.
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