These are the people I wish to thank for helping
me with my website. I have looked on them as my
angels for without them there would be no website
for me.
When I was new to the internet I looked in on a
newsgroup one day and saw to my surprise that all
of the posts the people had written had pictures
and music on them. I thought they were so pretty.
I gathered my courage and posted a message myself
and asked how this was done.
It wasn't ten minutes before I had an email from one of the ladies in the group and she sent me the url for Draccs school of html. She offered to help me with any problems I may have.
Her nick is Pogydoo and her name is Carolyn and she lives in South Carolina and I have never forgotten this nice gesture of hers. We are still friends.
I wish to thank my son Bob who managed to figure
out how to get the html on my email. He was into
computers and this webtv and signature box was
something new to him.
Then when I decided to do a website he was always there for me. Many a night I have called him after he had gone to bed when I just couldn't get something to work.
I would have the instructions right in front of me but I would tell him to do it just once for me and then I could write it in my own words and do it again.
I am so glad I don't have to pay him a dime for all the trips he made to my desk to help me out. I would be broke.
Bob your old Mom wants to thank you right here and now from the bottom of my heart for all of your patience with me.
My daughter-in-law, Lori deserves a round of
applause and a big thank you from me as well. She
was just learning herself and would pass what she
already knew my way. She and I spent many a time
pulling our hair when neither of us could get
something right and she would phone my son at
work. She had to forego our evening dice or card
games while I was laboring away on this site.
She never complained. Just fixed another pot of
coffee and helped me all she could.
My grandson, Jason. He was a big help. Before we
had the transload service available to us he had
the job of loading all the prettys I was finding
into my directory. He was the one always telling
me I needed my own website. I couldn't figure out
why but now I love having and working on it. So
Jason, thanks for giving me the push to do one
and for all the help you have given
Then there is my friend Bill. He has a
beautiful website. I wrote him when I started and
told him what I was doing. I had no idea how to
do a page with a border and thought they were so
pretty. He moved my entire website for me to a
site where transloading could be done and put up
my first border page for me. Now I can look at
his html and do others.Many thanks, Bill.
Last but not least I must mention a man I met through the alt.discuss.homepage newsgroup. I post there when I can. I mostly read the posts as I don't know that much html yet. I asked a question one day and received an email from this man. His nick is Kodekracker. He sent me the reference tables and told me how to put it on one fav key and the transloading service on another.After this I was on my way. You should see all the things in my directory now. I still dont really know this man but a big thank you to him.
I hope I have given all the credit where credit
is due. Thanks everyone!!!!!