Worthwhile Causes


I believe in people and I believe there is good in most of them. I believe that if by using my website to help others in some way then all of the hours and work spent on it will be time well spent.

With the use of the internet at our service we are able to use it as a public forum to help others if we so desire. There is a lot of good to be found here and on this page I wish to mention a few things that I think are special.

This internet group of women are joining hands in spreading the word of the help resources available for stopping domestic violence.I support them whole heartedly. Please visit their site. It is a link to their logo.
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More people, children and adults alike are killed everyday by drivers who should never be allowed to be behind the wheel of a vehicle. Are you a safe driver? Please go to the above site and find out for yourself. If not then I beg of you to surrender your license before it is too late.

The death of a child. No matter what the age is one of the most horrible blows I can imagine. I know I watched my own mother grieve herself to death after the death of my brother. Him being my baby brother and having him for thirty one years, I too felt as though I had lost a child myself in some way. If you have lost a child or support someone who has, then I urge you to visit this site.

Please visit this site and adopt an angel and help the children.

This candle burns across the internet to stop violence against women. Please visit this site.

Please visit this site.

Please visit this site and help to keep our country a safe place for our children. Many missing children are listed on this site. Your one visit may save the life of a child.

I urge you to go to this site and read what this young lady has been through during her entire childhood. Born and raised in a cult for purposes of molestation. I became so angry when I read this I have to say I can find no words to express what I am feeling.

A Good Site

Please pay a visit to this site.